Test & Measurement

Test and Measurement

Experienced Controls Engineers | Founded in 2009 | Locally Owned

Highly Trained Engineers
Founded in 2009
Locally Owned

Meeting the Unique Needs of Testing and Measurement

For Hallfield Controls, test and measurement is a specialized market that is closely related to the other markets we serve. What distinguishes this market from others is that measurement, data management, and reporting matter as much as the process.

With every measurement, we need to consider the accuracy and traceability of the sensors and hardware as well as the mechanism for data collection. It can be as simple as using a PLC or PC to capture individual data points and slow-moving transients to using data acquisition hardware such as National Instruments for high-speed transients. The data management aspect can range from flat files such as CSV and XML to databases such as Access and SQL Server. In a similar manner, reporting can range from customers using the flat file outputs to full-on reporting utilities such as Crystal Reports.

A company's existing test and validation methodologies and infrastructure typically play a large role in selecting an optimal path. The experience of Hallfield Controls with test and measurement began in the fluid control systems market building production test benches and lab equipment, and it has since expanded to other markets (like industrial automation) where we've worked with customers to develop existing equipment add-ons. Our market is also expanding into developing equipment for use by nationally recognized test labs (NTRL) in the evaluation of products for approval.

To learn how we can help you with testing and measurement, call us today at 763-360-9875.
Automation services

Turnkey Solutions That Work With Your Files

Since measurement in many applications is hard to separate from process and hardware, Hallfield Controls has extensive experience delivering turnkey equipment including data management and reporting aspects. Unless the setup doesn't require a paper trail or just needs the immediate output to a printer, we typically generate CSV files that customers can bring into existing Excel forms or we integrate with existing Microsoft Access or SQL Servers where reporting utilities are set up. When we do handle reporting, we generally set up 1 or 2 reports for customers that generate either CSV or PDF outputs.
testing services

Effective Testing for Many Common Components

Hallfield Controls has the following test and measurement equipment experience:
  • Relief valve testing
  • Regulator testing
  • Solenoid valve testing
  • Injector testing
  • Pressure gauge testing
  • Cycle testing
  • Burst testing
  • Proof testing
  • Hose testing
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Test and Measurement
Call 763-360-9875
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